The participatory assessment of flood-related disaster prevention and development of an adapted coping system in Ghana (PARADeS) project is a collaboration between the University of Bonn (U-BN), University of Freiburg (U-FR), University of Applied Sciences in Magdeburg (HS-M), and Flood Competence Center (HKC) of Germany and the West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL), Water Resources Commission (WRC) and National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) of Ghana. The project is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany.
The aim of the project is to contribute to enhancing Ghana’s national flood disaster risk reduction and management strategy by investigating key mechanisms (drivers, pressure, state, impacts, and response), existing flood risk and disaster management, governance-policy, human-water interaction, development of scenarios, action plans, and feasible and sustainable measures.
As the organization with the mandate of managing disasters and similar emergencies in the country, the role of NADMO in the successful implementation of the project cannot be overemphasized. NADMO is contributing to the project from the National to the district level with Madam Charlotte Nana Norman (Director for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Ri
The project is composed of a combination of research, development, and institutional strengthening activities. The project will be demonstrated in three case study areas at the definition stage:
- Accra – urban-runoff and coastal floods
- Kumasi – urban-runoff and river floods
- White Volta river basin – river floods
As part of the project's research component, NADMO is seeking the views of the general public on flood prevention and flood awareness through the administration of the questionnaire (attached). NADMO collaborated with WRC and HKC for the online questionnaire dissemination and field surveys in Ghana.
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